5, 2022
January 9th, 2022, 10:30am
"Caging The Tiger"
Rev. Terry Cummings, Interim Minister
Moffett, Director of Music Ministries
Judy Robbins, Worship Associate
Buffie, Zoom & Coffee Hour Hostess
10:30am ONLINE ONLY Worship
us in ZOOM HERE.
View Order of
Closed captions are
ID: 931 0388 7934
Passcode: 128493
11:30am - Fellowship Time will be immediately following services
can also watch the Sunday service at https://vimeo.com/unitariansocietyhartford or on the USH Facebook page.
Please join us HERE on January 30th, 2022 for our USH "Town Hall" meeting via ZOOM
A year
ago tomorrow, on January 6th of 2021, I was transfixed by what I saw
on my television screen.
I make no
secret of the fact that I was appalled by the Presidency of Donald Trump, like
many Democrats as well as like many Republicans. And delighted that it was
coming to an end.
I am aware
that a minister who shares their political leanings risks alienating those
members of the congregation they serve whose political affiliation is
antipathy towards “Trumpism,” however, is less a political reaction than it is
a spiritual one. It is a reaction that is grounded in my faith in our seven
Unitarian Universalist principles as well as the six sources of our faith
I welcome
both Republicans and Democrats in the congregation I serve, along with people
of every other political persuasion. That is something I carry deeply in my
heart. It is part of my personal call to ministry, to serve everyone regardless
of which political party they belong to.
Yet that
is not the issue. There are some views that are so at odds with what we UUs
believe in that as a Unitarian Universalist, and as minister, I must speak out
against them. I remember, back when I was in seminary, reading an article about
Unitarian Universalism in which the writer, a distinguished minister of many
years standing, wrote that a person who believed in Nazism would likely not
feel welcome in a UU congregation. Being accepting and welcoming of everyone
does not mean that extreme and violent political views should also be welcomed.
And so, I
watched in horror and alarm, like millions of others, as the attack on our nation’s Capitol buildings unfolded last January 6th.
Truth be
told, the main reason I turned on my TV set in the first place was because I
sensed that something terrible might happen, that a brutal dictatorship might
unfold. Members of the LGBTQ community, of which I am one, live with the
reality that the wider America is not always welcoming or safe. I never felt
safe during the Trump years, and I still don’t feel completely safe in the
current political climate.
January 6th insurrection included white supremacists marching
through the Capitol buildings carrying a confederate flag, something Robert E.
Lee and Jefferson Davis were unable to achieve. I was sickened, ashamed, and
A year
later these feelings are still raw for me.
A year
later I am reflecting on what I can do as a citizen to resist the undisguised
attempts to deny entire black and brown communities across our country the
right to vote.
I will
not turn on my television tomorrow, January 6th, 2022. I will
remember instead my experience of watching a year ago.
Sunday, January 9th, I hope that you will join our online service
that begins at 10:30 a.m. In my homily I will explore some of the ways in which
we can give meaning to the blessing to have a “Happy New Year.” What practices
can we follow to improve our chances of having a happy 2022 irrespective of
what happens in the world around us?
I hope to
see you online this Sunday.
In faith
and love, Rev. Terry Cummings
Communications Sub-Council
Springs to Enthusiastic Life
After a period of, how shall we say it diplomatically and in a
forward looking way, disuse, the Communications Sub-Council is active again
under the able direction of Community Within leader Tina Davies.
Following organizational activity, the newly revived group is
working on substantial defects/needs in our efforts to communicate among
ourselves and with outside citizens. Three areas of ongoing improvements
include updating the Photo Directory, producing online services, and repairing
outdate portions of the USH web by revising both organization and content.
One demonstration-example of this activity related to the USH-Enews, is this newly designed space. It will not
replace other customary USH-Enews articles but will
be a section of general interest changing every week, a place where articles of
various lengths will be posted, and continued on a web
page as necessary, one where readers will find past and current articles
published in their entirety.
Here we should pause recognizing those volunteers who make all
such activity possible.
As you have seen, we have effectively adjusted to the assault of
Covid by upgrading our equipment and producing one-line services. Thanks to the
USH Sunday Service Streaming Team of Jon and Mike Covault,
Paul and Laura Cipriano, Rick Tsukada and Ed Savage
assisted by staff member Buffie Pinney, we are
experiencing ever improving services at a distance. We shall not be
deterred by a bit of evolved bat DNA from elsewhere on the planet.
The technical work of course depends on equal or greater efforts
of Worship Associates, Sam, Rev. Terry, et al.
Brian Harvey, long in his excellent service to USH, continues
his efforts to maintain and update the ever-changing Directory, lists and
reports relating to membership, New Member Ceremony inserts for the Order of
Service, New Member and USH Board introductions for the lower lobby bulletin
boards, along with designing miscellaneous posters and flyers.
A Web Policy/Editors sub-group consisting of Toni Gold, Bruce
Robbins, Laura Cipriano, Tina Davies, David, and Janice Newton is at work on
web improvements and design while Joanne Orlando continues contributing her
general experience including social justice connections and support of the
Village next door.
But wait, there is more.
In the weeks that follow the link below will take you to the Did
UU Know? Web area where, among other things, you will find such articles as
this linked in their full text.
Articles, full or continued, are found in their entirety here: https://ushartford.org/did-uu-know/
Community & Business
Please take note
that the next Board meeting will be on January 11th at 6:30pm via Zoom
Announcing UU SpiritLife
spring program, UU SpiritLife Conversations,
is a series of facilitated zoom conversations on spiritual topics, offered on
the fourth Saturday mornings, January through May,
9-10:30 AM. SpiritLife
Conversations open to all members of the three Hartford area UU
churches on a drop-in basis – you don’t need to register or commit to the whole
series. The topic for January 29 will be Finding Balance In
An Unstable World. Please go to uuspiritlife.org and click the Programs tab for complete information. Questions
can be directed to Judy Robbins at judyrobb2@gmail.com.
Meeting House Sing-Along update . We wish you a Happy New Year . . . but ...
As you
may know both Fred and Ed are in a high risk category
for COVID infection. The UU Meeting House board has canceled in- person events,
and we agree that 'an abundance of caution' are the words of Year 2022 for now.
We will
postpone second Saturday Sing- Alongs until COVID
contagion rates drop back at least below 5%. Watch for a monthly update from
Fred Louis (FlLouis@yahoo.com ).
Programs for
Adults and Families
Adult Programs:The USH Book
Club: Meets monthly, on the 2nd Thursday, 2:30 – 4:30 pm, via
Zoom. All adults in the USH community are welcome. Please contact Ginny Allen
at fiddlenurse1@gmail.com if
you'd like more information or if you want to join. An email with Zoom link
will be sent a day or two before the meeting.
Book Selections 2021-2022
Jan 13. Mansfield Park- Jane Austin
Feb 10- A Promised Land- Barack
March 10- Finding Higher Ground:
An Adaption in the Age of Warming- Amy Seidel
Apr 14- First Friends:The Powerful Unsung (and Unelected) People
Who Shaped Our Presidents- Gary Ginsberg
May 12- The Extended Mind:Thinking Outside Your
Brain-Anne Murphy Paul
June 9- The Hellfire Club- Jay
July 14- Hamnet- Maggie O’Farrell
Aug 11- The Vanishing Half- Brit
Group: If you would like to join, please email Tara Cote at tcote11@gmail.com.
Support Group:
group meets on line the first Saturday of each month at 10 a..m. The zoom link is sent
a few days prior to the meeting. In this group participants discuss the
challenges of physical disability (chronic illness, chronic pain, impaired
senses, impaired mobility) and emotional pain (loss, mental illness) and the
stresses of caretaking a loved one. What is said in the group stays in the
Email Gloria
Bent for more information at bentgloria@gmail.com or call at 860 904-7768.
From the
USH Caring Network: Please inform the Caring Network of needs,
or volunteer your services. If you know of any member experiencing
some difficulty, please contact Janice Newton or any
member of the Caring Network so we can provide some assistance. A wide range of
community services is also available to those in need by calling the Community
Info Line at 211.
House Presents
Thank you for your support of Meeting House Presents!! If you
are receiving this email you have signed up to be on our mailing list or you
have purchased tickets online through brown paper tickets and given us your
email address.
Thank you for supporting independent musicians, live music
and Meeting House Presents! Hope to see you soon!!
and Paul Cipriano
House Presents, Unitarian Society of Hartford, CT
News from the USH Board of
Your 2021-2022 USH Board
Rob Spector: President
Eve Pech:
Bob Hewey:
Sarah Harmon McKenzie:
Peter Meny: Spiritual Life Council Chair
Jon Covault:
Administration Council Chair
Dana Donovan: Social
Justice Council Chair
Tina Davies: Community
Within Council Chair
Rev. Terry Cummings,
Interim Minister (ex-officio)
latest financial reports for FY July-Aug 2021 have
been posted, click HERE to view.
Board Meeting minutes for July 2021 have
been posted. To view the USH Directory, Reports, meeting
minutes and other church business information online, click HERE. Contact Buffie Pinney at hartforduusociety@gmail.com for the
username and password.
Missed Last Week's Enews? Click Below:
See Articles and News
for USH and the Surrounding Area you may
have missed or find a
link to the USH Facebook Page HERE.
Please consult our
Online Calendar regularly for all upcoming events coordinated by the
Unitarian Society of Hartford: www.ushartford.com/events/
To submit a Calendar
Request (also for an online USH Zoom Room gathering) click HERE.
To read
the USH Blog click HERE.
E-News Contributors
please take note: The deadline for USH E-News submissions is Tuesday at 12 Noon.
Please include the dates that your submission should be included in the
'Subject' field.
Rev. Terry Cummings,
Interim Minister
revterryush@gmail.com | 860-233-9897
ext. 103
Dianne Daniels, Intern Minister (half time, through
December 2021, & not in July or August)
USHInternDD@gmail.com | 860-233-9897 ext. 109
Sam Moffett, Director
of Music Ministries
smoffettuu@gmail.com | 860-233-9897 ext. 108
Buffie Pinney, Office Administrator & Building Rentals
hartforduusociety@gmail.com | 860-233-9897 ext. 100
Mullen, Bookkeeper - Office or Phone by Appointment brianmullenush@gmail.com 860-233-9897 ext. 102
Please contact our Office Administrator, Buffie Pinney, with any administrative questions or
Buffie is working Sunday through Thursday
from 9am-2pm. Please email at her at hartforduusociety@gmail.com.
Buffie is always happy to hear from you!
The deadline for USH-Enews submissions
to Buffie is by
Tuesday at 12 Noon.
Email to: hartforduusociety@gmail.com
Please note in the subject line "USH-Enews." Thank you for your submission!
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is
the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages,
frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces. The month of
January is named for Janus . en.wikipedia.org