Give Online Making your Pledge to the Unitarian Society of Hartford
The Unitarian Society of Hartford is a not-for-profit organization. Similar to many others, it is totally dependent on voluntary contributions to maintain its staff and programs.
Each year during the spring, members and friends are contacted to pledge their dollar support to USH for the following fiscal year running from July 1st to June 30th. Prior knowledge of the pledges, or commitments, by the congregation permits necessary budget adjustments from year to year and determines the scope of programs offered.
Receipt of periodic and timely payments of pledges distributed through the 12 months of the fiscal year is a great advantage to the business operations of the Society. Obviously, substantial payments early in the fiscal year are an advantage to budgetary planning.
To arrange for your pledge, please respond to the yearly solicitation in the spring making your commitment. At other times, please contact the office and discuss your pledge with the Business Manager (See address and phone number above). While it is rare, if you are unable to complete your pledge, an important financial obligation, please contact the Minister or office staff so budgetary planning can take the loss of revenue into consideration.
Automatic Pledge Payment Option
Should you desire to automate your payments through charges to your credit card, we can accommodate your desire. Simply print the form and send the completed form to the office. Other options are emailing your pledge to joerubin[at] or leaving a voicemail on Joe Rubin’s cell, 860.539.3586.
Please see Stewardship mailing PDF, as well as the USH Fair Share contribution guide PDF for information.