The Unitarian Society of Hartford wishes to assist its members and friends as they face arrangements for funeral, memorial service, reception and related issues upon the death of a loved one. The Society understands most of us face these difficult situations without much experience and background.
As soon as convenient, the family should meet with the minister. During your discussions with the minister, you will help determine the nature of the memorial service that would be most helpful to you. The office staff is available also to answer any questions you have about the scheduling and details of arrangements. Unfortunately, due to previously scheduled meetings and events, we are not always able to make the church available at a given time for a service, so please make sure you confirm the date and time you wish with the church office, the minister and the Memorial Reception Committee.
The timing of the service and reception should be worked out through the Minister. You may wish to have a reception in Fellowship Hall following the Memorial Service.
Volunteers from the Memorial Reception Committee can arrange this reception. In such a reception, USH members and friends donate some of food items. Paper goods, additional food, coffee, tea, punch ingredients, and related items will be purchased. It is important that you consult with the Minister or a member of the Memorial Reception Committee, giving your best estimate of the number of people who may attend the reception. There is no charge for members for a reception. If you care to make a donation, it will be very much appreciated. The donation should be clearly marked “Memorial Reception.” For non members, expenses and arrangements will be arranged in consultation with the Minister and a member of the Memorial Reception Committee.
Currently, the estimated cost for a reception is $6.00 per person. Flowers from the service can be used at the reception, if they are appropriate, as a center piece on the table. If you wish us to purchase the flowers for the reception, arrangements can be made.
Donations should be made to the Unitarian Society of Hartford, with “Memorial Reception” on the memo line.
In the alternative, if you decide to use a caterer or do the reception yourself, then the arrangements between you and the caterer are solely determined by you. Please make sure all scheduling and arrangements are coordinated through the church office. The Memorial Reception Committee will not be involved in the reception. Arrangements for use of the kitchen and Fellowship Hall should be made through the Office.
Edited 08/24