Sunday Worship Unitarian Society of HartfordNourishing SpiritSunday Worship We welcome you to join us for Sunday worship this Sunday! We are a friendly, welcoming community and visitors are a part of our congregation every Sunday. We worship all year around at 10:30 a.m. online and in person, every Sunday morning. We encourage you to join our online services as well as Fellowship Time by clicking the links provided in both the weekly E-News and Worship Reminder. Our weekly Sunday worship service typically lasts about an hour (or just a little more). Each service is crafted by our Minister, Music Staff, Director of Religious Education, and lay Worship Associates to nourish our spirits, challenge our minds, and build community. Children and families are welcome and included in our services all year around. We often have a Time for All Ages story near the beginning of the service before singing our children and youth off to their groups and classes. You can click on the photos below to see them more fully. We strive to be an ever-more accessible congregation to folks with a variety of abilities and disabilities. Read about specific accessibility info here. During the summer months, services can be more informal, with guest speakers and members of the Meeting House sharing their insights on a variety of themed topics. Congregational dialogue is sometimes a part of these services.